Company Name (as it should appear in print material):* Contact Name:* Address:* City:* State:* Zip Code:* Phone Number:* Email:*Sponsorship Opportunities (Deadline April 25th)BRAWA VIP - $1500Reserved table and 10 tickets; business name/logo in all TV, radio, printadvertising, event program and on display at the eventFour Paw Sponsor - $1000Reserved table and 8 tickets; business name/logo in all TV, radio, andprint advertising and the event programTwo Paw Sponsor - $500Four tickets; business name in all print advertising and the event programFat Cat Sponsor - $250Two tickets and business name in all print advertising and the eventprogramTail Wagger Sponsor - $100Business name in print advertising and event program Sponsor Level:*Select valueBRAWA VIP - $1500Four Paw Sponsor - $1000Two Paw Sponsor - $500Fat Cat Sponsor - $250Tail Wagger Sponsor - $100SEE QR CODE TO MAKE YOUR PAYMENT With your Sponsorship Package, please confirm that your company will be represented the night of the event.*Select valueYesNo Please upload a clear JPEG or PNG of your company logo for the BRAWA VIP Package & Four Paw Sponsor PackageFor questions or more information contact Molly Taylor at 270-670-4422or Margie Patton at 270-590-3575SubmitReset